This book is an autobiography written by Prof. J.N. Nanda himself. He describes his life and environment in India and abroad. He describes many places of tourist interest in India and the world and also his scientific excursions on road and on boat particularly to historic sites. At the end, he gives a summary of his scientific work and published books on many subjects.
Prof. J.N. Nanda besides being an Eminent Scientist with two earned doctorates in Physics and Applied Physics respectively has also been active in the social and cultural sphere. He was the first scientist in India to begin research work in oceanography and underwater sound. He prefers the advance of co-existence rather than aiming at unity in diversity. Understanding the complexity of human mind, he advocates a new Mahayana of co-existence and earnest efforts to square beliefs with advances in science and technology. He has numerous papers and books to his name. He has travelled extensively and led some government delegations abroad.